Effective Sexual Strategies For Conception

When trying to get pregnant, having an effective sexual strategy for conception is crucial for a successful pregnancy. Sexual intercourse must not only be perfectly timed, but it must also be done properly to maximize the chances of having a baby. The following sexual strategies are guaranteed to help you conceive faster.

Sex And Ovulation

It is no secret that the period within which a woman ovulates is the most important period of her menstrual cycle when it comes to getting pregnant. This is because it is only during this period that conception can occur. 

The most fertile period of a woman is the 5 days before ovulation. This is so because sperms are known to live up to 5 days inside a woman. Since they usually need some time before being at their best, these five days are the most appropriate for having sexual intercourse when trying to conceive. This is the fertile window that you must not miss if you want to get pregnant.

Sexual Frequency

Regular sex is always advisable for couples who are trying to get pregnant. 2 to 3 times each week is enough to significantly increase your odds of having a baby. Not only does it guarantee the ready availability of sperms in the womb for fertilization of the egg but it also increases the quality of sperms that a man produces. 

Timing sex to only perfectly coincide with the day of ovulation is not the most advisable option for couples who want to become pregnant. This is because the resulting stress and relationship issues that result from the strain may cause a reduction in fertility. When it comes to sex, the more sex a couple has the greater the chances of the woman getting pregnant.

Never Use Spemicides, Chemical Stimuli Or Lubricants

Most of the products designed to increase pleasure during sexual intercourse are known to negatively affect the chances of a woman having a successful pregnancy. The use of even the most basic of lubricants should be avoided as much as possible when trying to conceive. This is because such substances usually affect the mobility of sperms. They also affect the lifespan of sperms given the environment they create. 

Douching is also discouraged for couples who are trying to conceive. There is evidence suggesting that this process usually interferes with the natural environment of the cervix and vagina and that it may also affect the implantation of the egg after fertilization.

Consider Traditional Methods Of Encouraging Conception

Although there is not enough scientific evidence to support the theory that sexual positions usually affect the chances of a woman getting pregnant, it will not hurt to try them out. Lying down after sexual intercourse is one of the tips for pregnancy that you may try to boost your chances of having a baby. 

You should also try using sexual positions that guarantee deeper penetration such as the rear-entry and missionary sexual positions. Having an orgasm during sex may also increase the chances of getting pregnant. This is because the resulting contractions may help pull sperms towards the egg.

Enjoy Sexual Intercourse When Trying To Get Pregnant

You should not forget to enjoy sex when trying to conceive. This not only makes the process of having a baby easier for both partners but also helps relieve stress and pressure, things which might have otherwise affected your fertility negatively.