Trying To Get Pregnant With Twins? Here Are The Facts

Getting pregnant is the dream of almost every woman in the world. It is a gateway to happiness and something that almost every woman dreams of. However, there is nothing compared to having twins after trying to get pregnant over a period of time. It is something that every woman who wishes to get pregnant dreams about. 

Here are some of the facts about pregnancies and twins that you will find useful.

Chances of Getting Pregnant With Twins

The studies that have been carried out to date show that the chances of a woman having twins are low. This is especially so considering that many women who try to conceive are not always successful. Most studies show that out of almost 89 successful pregnancies only one usually ends up in twin-pregnancy. This makes it very difficult for any woman who wishes to have twins to have her wishes granted.

Can The Chances Of A Twin Pregnancy Be Increased

Studies point out that while the chances of a woman getting pregnant with twins are slim it is possible for one to increase the chances of having twins. However, it is important to remember that while this is true, there is no definite way to get pregnant with twins only that there are things that one can do to make this likely.

Fertility medications have been found to make a woman more likely to have twins. Women who are under a dose of fertility medications have been found to have better chance of getting pregnant with twins than those who are not under the medications. A significant percentage of women who undergo artificial pregnancy enhancement techniques such as IVF have also had twins and thus having such a procedure is likely to increase your chances of getting pregnant with twins.

How Twins Are Conceived

There are two types of twins depending on how fertilization occurs. A woman’s pregnancy may occur as a result of having two different eggs fertilized at the same time. This occurs when the woman releases two eggs during ovulation and when fertilization occurs at this period, a twin pregnancy results. This is how fraternal twins end up being born.

Sometimes, the fertilized egg splits and thus forming two eggs. When this happens, a woman usually ends up getting pregnant with twins. The twins that are born out of such a pregnancy are usually referred to as identical twins. People who have a family history of twins have a better chance of having such twins when compared to those without.